Big Brown Bat

(Eptesicus Fuscus)




Uniformly brown fur on body.  No fur on wings, tail, ears, nose.
Primary Prey:  Beetles, ants, flies, leafhoppers, mayflies.  * Often eat the equivalent of their body weight in insects each night.
Predators: Hawks, Great Horned Owls. 
Range: Very common bat in North America.
Emerge ~20 minutes after sunset.
Forages within a few kilometers of its roost, generally pursuing prey in tree canopies, over meadows, or along water courses. It feeds primarily on heavy-bodied insects, and is an important predator on certain agricultural pests.
Well adapted to Urban areas, often fly around city lights feeding on insects attracted to the light.
Not known to migrate large distances (although males may migrate elevationally. Females roost separately from males in the spring and summer, and roost with males at hibernating sites.
Wingspan: 33 - cm / 13-16 inches
Weight:  20g  / .7 oz
Body Length: 114 cm / 3.4 – 5.4  inches
Offspring: 1-2 pups 
Gestation Period: 60 days (after delayed implantation) Pup can fly at 3-4 weeks.  Avg. time to independence: 4 weeks, Sexual Maturity: 210 days.
Lifespan: 19 years or more.